I've been wanting to make a pinboard for ages and ages. I love having photo's around and John's a really good photographer so we've loads I think should have pride of place on display! I wanted a really big one to fill a big gap I've had reserved in our dining room wall but I couldn't find one I could afford. I've been on the look out for an old, wooden framed one but my regular ebay search has drawn a blank. (We've actually got one in our office which would have been perfect but it's Council property and currently full of rather important work stuff - and it's a big too big to sneak out the door without anyone noticing!)
So I've been thinking for a while that I'd like to have a go at making one but couldn't figure out how to do it. I knew I wanted something bold and much bigger than the usual ones available in stationers (well here anyway.) Slowly the idea formed for me of what I could use and the final piece came when John was storing some flooring fiber boards that are designed to go under laminate flooring (he has a flooring business) The boards are recycled wood or paper and are nice and lights. They're nice and spongy so will take pins nicely.
So, here's what I used:
Piece of hardboard cut to required size
Laminate fiber board - I used 2 boards for the size I wanted but you could cut them to suit
contact adhesive
Staple gun
Coloured fleece - I used a fleece blanket from IKEA - about £2.50 I think
Lay the hardboard on a flat surface and spread with contact adhesive. This is really smelly stuff - I've no idea how flooring people work with it. Make sure you use it in a very well ventilated room - or even outside.
Put some contact adhesive on the fiber boards and attach them to the hardboard. As you can see from the pictures - John did most of this for me - it's his medium (and he was a bit 'let me do it' when I tried to have a go!)
Leave to dry for a few minutes and then stand the hardboard (now with the fiber board attached) Using the staple gun, attach the fleece to the underside of the board (the non fiber board side.) Apply contact adhesive to around a third of the board and the fleece and when it's tacky, pull it taught over the first portion of the front of the board. Repeat this step until the whole of the board is covered.
Then pull the surplus fabric over the edges of the board and secure with the staple gun.
Finally, fold the corners and cut to prevent and bulges - then staple them in place.
Finally, drill holes in the corners and use to secure to the wall with screws and raw plugs.
Voila, groovy pinboard.
This is a neat way of displaying pictures, what a great idea for a gift.
I have done the meme, by the way.
Posted by: Anna | August 05, 2008 at 03:59 PM
Great idea for displaying photos neatly...
Posted by: Instructional Embroidery Videos | August 05, 2008 at 05:59 PM
Great idea and it's so easy. Added it to my loooong to do list. By the way I'm having a giveaway for my 1st year blogoversary. Why don't you come on over and join the fun?, Thanks and have a nice evening.
Posted by: Nathalie Brault | August 06, 2008 at 01:14 AM
You are fun to watch. It seems like you are good at this. Always used materials that is highly durable.
Posted by: engineered hardwood floors | September 02, 2010 at 05:36 AM
Posted by: amy | October 11, 2010 at 09:48 AM
Please make yourself a quilt, just so you can hug that warm, puckered softness to your chest and feel very accomplished and proud.
When I see really fancy quilts on the blogs or at the fabric store or at the fair, I literally stand pigeon-toed and in complete awe, because if you've ever finished one, you know that, well . . . they don't make themselves.
Posted by: Nike Shox Classic Sale | February 16, 2011 at 07:59 AM
I love this movie. this is a good post.
You think the homoerotic thing is going to be there. but its not.
Its just like what they call a chick flick only for dudes.
And I'd never seen Will Oldham act or do anything before. he is good.
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