I thought I'd give a quick update on how my scan went today - in a word, not brilliantly! I was at the hospital over 4 hours. After a wait of over an hour, a nurse took some information from my and took my temperature which was and told me my temperature elevated. I was told that this could be due to a water infection and I had to give a sample. Then after waiting for nearly an hour I went for my scan. The technician told me that there was a yolk sack but she couldn't see an embryo. 'What does that mean?' I asked. "It could be that your dates are out and you're not at the point you thought you were, or this isn't a viable pregnancy!" Talk about not sugar coating things. Then I was sent back upstairs to the Early Pregnancy unit (I had my scan with all the lovely, blooming, 16 and 20 week scan ladies which was fine because I had no reason -until the scan that is, to think that anything was wrong with mine but if you were going after having a lot of bleeding or some other problems it must be excruciating.) to wait to see a doctor.
I eventually saw someone who took some blood and told me I'd have to come back in 2 weeks for another scan. 2 Weeks! She then told me she needed to take some blood and dissapeared, leaving me alone in the scary looking consultation room for 55 minutes! I was ok at first but after a while started to worry and think the worst so that by the time she came back I was a gibbering wreck. She didn't answer any of my numerous questions - I even asked if they were taking blood to monitor my hormone levels and would they be taken again? 'No, it's just to get your blood group' (they took 4 lots!) 'Could you run the hormone levels test then?' 'No, we're not going to do that- come back in two weeks.'
Now, I was sort of prepared for it to be too early too see anything - My GP had warned me as had a couple of friends who'd been through similar experiences. But I wasn't prepared to be treated so coldly at such an emotionally difficult and stressful time. Not one person was kind or showed any empathy - and certainly no one offered an ounce of reassurance. I know that to be a health care professional you must have to develop a certain detachment - but I felt like nothing more than a number.
Thank goodness for the internet - it's a wonderful community and I've had so much reassurance in the past hour on some of the baby boards from women who've had the same sort of scan result and things have turned out fine. I'm glad to be back home now and am going to sit down at my sewing machine and make - something! I don't know what, but something easy and that's going to give me some quick gratification. I might make another shoulder bag (well, you can never have too many!
Here's one that I made at the weekend (OK, it's not a shoulder bag but it's still a bag!) I'd had just shy of a fat quarter of the Amy Butler paisley fabric left so used up some more of the green polka dot sheet (boy am I getting my money's worth out of that - £3 well spent!) I was going to make soft handles for it like the blue and yellow one I made a few weeks ago but messed up the cutting and didn't leave thick enough sides to make it work. So the bag handles are a good substitute.
I'll be sending lots of good vibes your way over the next two weeks.
Posted by: Ruth | March 28, 2008 at 07:25 AM
Sending you nothing but good thoughts.
Posted by: EB | March 28, 2008 at 07:00 PM
Gah! I've read and reread your post and I'm so thoroughly confused by everything. I don't know how you are keeping your head on straight. But, oh, golly gee, I'm so friggin happy that you 'could' be pregnant. I had thought from your Easter post and your complaints of being so tired that you were pregnant. But, I wasn't going to say anything and jinx you if you weren't going to say anything. So, now I'll just sit here and cross my fingers for you. Wouldn't it be wonderful? A wedding and a new baby??
Posted by: Marie | March 28, 2008 at 07:18 PM
Oh my, to go away for 2 weeks and get on with other things must be excrutiating. Immerse yourself in organising the wedding to take your mind off it. I really hope the fortnight flies by. Thinking of you.
Posted by: Liz | March 29, 2008 at 07:20 AM